Akupara Games Monthly Dev Log (June 2024) | Hello Cruel World is now out!

Akupara Games
4 min readAug 2, 2024

July has been a very busy and hot month with a lot of movement happening with a ton of our titles. From announcing that our VR horror title Hello Cruel World is launching August 1st to starting community voting for Nanomon, there is tons of stuff to talk about in this month’s dev log.

Here are all the projects that we’ll be talking about in this month’s dev log!

  • Hello Cruel World
  • Cabernet
  • Nanomon

Hello Cruel World | Out now on Meta and SteamVR

Hello Cruel World, our psychological horror in VR, is out now on Meta and SteamVR!

Follow the adventure of the semi-professional urban explorer streamer who discovers that the local abandoned fast food restaurant is hiding a deadly secret and it isn’t just the greasy food that was served there. Someone is communicating over the facility’s loudspeakers guiding you through the treacherous environment of strange machines and chemicals but are they friend or foe and why are they helping you?

Pick up Hello Cruel World on Meta and get a 10% discount!

Check out Hello Cruel World on the storefronts!

Cabernet | Writing Text Description and Drafting Achievements

A few weeks ago, Cabernet hit a huge milestone by passing 30,000 wishlists on Steam! Thank you to the amazing community for supporting our perfectly-aged vampire RPG!

I talked with Arseniy and Laura, the developers at Party for Introverts, about what they have been working on for Cabernet!

“Hello again, fledglings!

July is shaping up to be quite the development marathon for Cabernet. We’ve really been able to fully and completely immerse ourselves in improving the build, and every day a little more falls into place.

Laura has finished up all the custom animations and is now in the tweaking stage. For example, that movement that looked perfectly fine in the editor, it’s too far to the left in-game. Things like that. Conversely, it’s super satisfying to see an animation you forgot you made a year ago work in-game — and actually look good! She is also currently going line by line and matching character emotions with the text. It’s a rather tedious task, but one that is super important for the player’s emotional journey.

Arseniy recently finished up writing text descriptions for the final game elements (items, glossary, quest descriptions etc.), He even drafted all the Achievements. It’s crazy that we are so far along in the process to be doing this! Very exciting stuff. He is now implementing the aforementioned custom animations into the game, creating a more polished, immersive experience.

Once again, thank you for coming along on this journey with us. We have such exciting things on the horizon that we can’t wait to share!

Until next time.

Party for Introverts”

Wishlist Cabernet on Steam!

Nanomon | Community Votes on Which Nanomon Makes it Into the Game

Nanomon is by the same developer that created the award-winning Kardboard Kings, Oscar Brittain. Train your Nanomon with love and affection so they evolve into the perfect companion. This small window idle game is perfect to have running while concentrating on something else.

I’ve been hosting polls in the Nanomon Discord so that the community can choose which Nanomon they would like in the game! There are still a few more to vote on so if you want your voice to be heard be sure to join and vote! Here are the Nanomon that the community has voted so far to be in the game!


This wild-type confuses cats all over the world! Is it their mortal enemy or a yummy snack?


Gunflower is a Wild-type, which every gardener should grow for some great home defense. Just be sure you keep them watered and well taken care of because they can be a problem if you don’t.

Bucket Boy

Bucket Boy is a Wild-type and is perfect for collecting water! Don’t make them angry though, they have been known to zap others when provoked.


BleatingHeart is a Spooky-type with… a sword in their chest? Is that a real sword from a warrior they fought eons ago or just part of their body to scare others? I actually don’t have a lot of information on this one…

There will be four more Nanomon to be added by the community so check out the Nanomon Discord!

If you want to hear more news on these titles, then join our Akupara Discord, or follow us on Twitter, Facebook, or Instagram!

